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PanzerKaput Journey into Burrows and Badgers

PanzerKaput Journey into Burrows and Badgers

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The Start

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 6

I had a demo game of this at my local club, Leicester Phat Cats, and I totally loved the game. It was fun, fast and the mechanic worked for me so it was off to look at Oathsworn’s website and ordered some of there lovely figures. The whole point was not just an excuse to buy those glorious figures, thanks @Brennon you have got me bite into this, lol, and when they arrived I was impressed with the quality and cleanness of the sculpts, not to mention the quick service.

My Starter GangMy Starter Gang

I am using this project, much like my Gangs of Rome Project, as a way to keep me enthused in the hobby and using it as a painting project as painting tons of Pirates after a while needs refreshing. So this is the start of the first two figures and I have to say that they are a dream to paint.


The Start
The Start
The Start
The Start

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The detail on those faces are ace!

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