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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 01/06/18 – Schools out

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Cult of Games Member

Hey all,

Another few days down and various bits of hobby done.

Progress on my minis was slow enough. I got the metal on the DA finished and then basecoats down for the parchment. The GK really have a fetish for purity seals so that took quite a while. I also got some reading in. The FAITH core book is a weighty tome and there’s huge amounts of fluff in it. Gods play quite a large part in the FAITH universe and I’m reading through the chapters dealing with them and their believers. I keep a running note on my phone and add in any possible plot seeds that might be usable in adventures or games later. Or noteworthy background info that I can use to flesh out a storyline or character.


Last night was also my final night running D&D for the moment. While we have our main game run by @mage, I’ve spent the last few weeks running the opening adventure from ‘Tales From the Yawning Portal’. It was a lot of fun and I’ve learned loads from the experience. Our game last night took place after the final confrontation and was an epilogue of sorts. It left the characters somewhere definitive for when we come back to them in a few months.

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Cheers man. The modern versions of the Grey Knights have lost the blue tint but my I prefer the old-skool colour scheme. My armies tend to come  together across years so consistency can be tricky.



Nostalgia can be a powerful beast when it come to minis. Dark Angels were my first army too, purely because after getting the second edition 40k core box, it was the Dark Angels paint set my father bought for me. I didn’t take it seriously back then but when third edition rolled around (after a brief dalliance with dark Eldar) it was Dark Angels I landed on again. I played @mage in a few games recently and used Tactical Marines from the third edition core set. 20 years and still seeing active service!

I love how those hills look already. One part of the hobby I suck at is proper DIY stuff. I tend to stick to kits. Whereabouts in Ireland are you based? (You can tell, we promise not to turn up on your doorstep.)



I keep meaning to buy the GitS stuff on blu-ray. I have it all on DVD and haven’t watched it in years because I keep putting it off until I get the hi-def versions.

Experimenting on the fly can be great with single minis, but I find myself painting armies so often that it’s rare I can indulge without having to try and reverse engineer the colour scheme when I want to add another unit and can’t remember what I did.

Gundam stuff can be pretty cool. As an anime fan I’ve always loved anything with mechs. Only the volume of games I already have stuff for prevents me from diving into Infinity or Relic Knights.


Those Space Wolves look stunning.

And any man that can fit in an Aliens reference is okay in my book!



The card system is pretty cool. So far I’ve only read through the example turns and basics but players essentially play a card rather than rolling a dice. High cards are obviously ideal but low cards can trigger abilities so you always have options.


Now, there’s a distinct lack of music on this thread! How can I be elitist and judgmental if you don’t chuck anything up?!

While normally a fairly devout metalhead, this week I’ve been chilling out to loads of Pink Floyd. Outside of the ‘Wish you Were Here’ album they were always a group I kind of bypassed as they can be hard to cherry-pick songs from. But while painting or reading I’ve been playing albums end-to-end and finding a lot more to like.

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