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Hobby Space aka Finally a place to chillax!

Hobby Space aka Finally a place to chillax!

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The work bench

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 0
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First I found a good solid work area that would take little wood working to prep.

Two hollow core interior doors.Two hollow core interior doors.

Hollow core doors are nearly perfect when it comes to dimensions and being square and level.

The main one is 30 inches wide and the other is 24 inches.

They will be laid out in a L shape with the 30 inch one used against the wall longways and the 24 inch one coming out from the wall as a peninsula.

The first thing to do to mount the surfaces to the wall was to use a 2×4 along the wall as a ledger.  This ran proud of the main surface so that it was supporting the second one also, there was a shorter ledger in the corner which allowed to main 30 inch door to be mounted to the wall.  The real key was to make sure I found the studs in the wall and to make sure it was level across the whole span.  To fasten the ledger to the wall and for pretty much all of the connections cabinet screws worked perfectly as they are designed to handle much more weight than is planned.

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