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Hobby Space aka Finally a place to chillax!

Hobby Space aka Finally a place to chillax!

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The Plan ... or how to stop hating all the boxes and learn to love the move.

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With the need to make a space for my hobbies I decided that we would uproot the company and our home and move everything 100+ miles south.  After looking at many houses and losing 3 to either failed inspections of literally being told when we put our offer in it was sold we found the perfect house.  It had a nice basement and room for a hobby area and it wouldn’t be in my office.  Here I am going to digress and let everyone know that if you are already someplace DON’T MOVE!  After moving I have decided that I am were I will be for a long time.

Home ownership is where I prove that my hobby area may be the most expensive of all time.  We had to rip out all the carpet from the basement, ProTip don’t ever put carpet in a basement, and get the foundation fixed and waterproofed so the floor wouldn’t flood again.  This overall took more time than anyone could have thought.  Once the new floor was in it was time to start the hobby area in earnest.

This part of the update is more a cautionary tale to all who think that getting into the new home will be easy and your hobby area will just come together will be sorely disappointed.

It took nearly 6 months to get to the point I could start the area and here is how I did it…


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Cult of Games Member

My sister had had to deal with a flooded basement. I live in a state where the only time you dig more than 8 inches is for a bomb shelter.

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