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Paint Station Alpha

Paint Station Alpha

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Step 2 - The Desk

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 7
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With the false wall in place I could start building the desk.  The idea was to have a fixed desk that was fastened to the false wall and could not be moved.  To facilitate this I built a the back edges of the desk onto a frame which was fastened to both the brick wall and the false wall and built legs for the front edges.  I also used a very thick beam to build the frame so I didn’t need to build as many legs.  The longest edge will happily support my fat arse sitting in it and doesn’t even creak.  I wouldn’t want to try standing on it but then again it’s not designed to be stood on either.  It’s incredibly sturdy and more than strong enough to cope with the rigours of miniature painting.


TOP TIP – When working with soft wood such as pine, it’s worth drilling guide holes for screws.  Even the smallest screw can cause the wood to split.

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