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Colchester Games Fair

Colchester Games Fair

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Hello fellow Beasts!

I thought I would start this project blog about the games fair I started last year in Colchester, Essex, UK.  I thought it would nice to share my experience with setting up the event, how last years event went and how this years event is coming on.

I always wanted to put on a local show.  I am involved with gaming in Colchester and my girlfriend co-runs the Colchester Games Club.  I knew there was a lot of gaming of all types happening in the town and I thought it would be a great opportunity to show case some of the local clubs, businesses and games to each other and new comers alike.

I had a few loose rules with the event before I started.

  • It had to have a wide variety of games.  Not just one type.
  • It had to be welcoming and friendly.  Not snobbery or “gate keeping”
  • It had to be free entry so everyone could come and experience it

With these in mind I started organising the first Colchester Games Fair!

I have put on events in the past.  I am a stand-up comedian and play in a couple of metal/punk type bands so have arranged several gigs and comedy nights in and around Essex in the past but I have never put on a gaming show.

It was hard work but I managed to get the first Colchester Games Fair going on Oct. 9th 2017 at The Colchester Arts Centre.

I am pleased to say it was a roaring success! It was busy all day and everyone seemed to have a great time!

This years event is looking to be even better so I will keep this blog going with details and how it’s all shaping up!

Thanks for ready!



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It’s been many years since I lived in Essex, but I am glad someone is still flying the flag for the hobby there!

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