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Gangs of Rome basing

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  suetoniuspaullinus 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    Grabbed the Gaul from the Blood on the Aventine starter set and decided to have a go at sculpting some cobblestone type bases with green stuff. Was my first time giving it a go and I’m quite pleased with the results. Tried to give it a rough and uneven look with a bit of wear as well, hoping the next few will turn out even better.

    I think with a bit of paint it will be quite nice and really pop.received_10204992996981785



    Cult of Games Member

    Looking very nice, look forward to seeing them painted up.


    Cult of Games Member

    Looks good to me and I do something similar by rolling small balls of green stuff and flattening them a little. Good to see a fellow Gangs of Rome player on here.




    I was thinking of using the new Renedra cobblestone bases in 30mm and somehow add the cutouts myself but now I hear they will make clear jigsaw bases and I might go for those. Nice GS work in any case!



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