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Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

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Tabletop completed

Tutoring 0
Skill 6
Idea 0
Here is the top of the table. Decided to add a chessboard pattern, mostly as my eldest loves chess. Particularly as he’s better than me at it. Done by masking off the top using wide painters tape, drawing the pattern, and then cutting away half the spaces. I then hit it with a silver spray paint before varnishing the whole surface.Here is the top of the table. Decided to add a chessboard pattern, mostly as my eldest loves chess. Particularly as he’s better than me at it. Done by masking off the top using wide painters tape, drawing the pattern, and then cutting away half the spaces. I then hit it with a silver spray paint before varnishing the whole surface.

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Cult of Games Member

That table is gorgeous (not just the top) beautiful rich tones and a cracking idea all round having hte topper to seal in the ongoing board game below.

Cult of Games Member

A beautifully finished piece, and so very functional too! Be great to see some shots of it in-action with a board game in the inset piece. Just to fuel the fire of my own jealousy if nothing else 🙂

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