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Cunning plans

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I had quite a lot of fun designing the plan of the castle, trying to incorporate a bit of what I know (which is not a lot) about real medieval castle design.

As I understand it, they usually tried to design castles so that an attacker would have to travel as far as possible by as difficult as possible a route to get to the important bit.

So in my castle the most important bit is the  lord’s tower at the back right. It has no doors on the ground floor, so can only be entered via the walls. To get up onto the walls, someone coming through the gate house would need to go along the narrow passage past the stable (being shot at through arrow loops). Then round the top of the stable, which has been made into a narrow bottleneck so it could potentially be barricaded and held by a few stout defenders. Once past that they need to cross to the far side of the courtyard to access the bottom of the stairway, which then switches back to take them as far from the lord’s tower as possible. Last line of defence are small wooden bridges leading to the tower doors, which could be collapsed in an emergency.

Either that, or the attacker could just get themselves a long ladder and climb straight into the tower, but we won’t worry about that ?



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