Neves1789’s Wargaming Collection
Recommendations: 685
About the Project
This project portrays my wargame miniatures collection from over the past fifteen years. I've kept the genres together, so I'll start out with Fantasy then Sci-fi and then historical.
Related Genre: Survival
This Project is Active
Tau Kill Team
It’s been a while since I updated, but I’ve been painting away on various projects. ^^
First up is my Tau Kill Team in a pink colourscheme. I figured people would hate Tau either way, so I went with pink just to annoy them more 😀
They’re preshaded and airbrushed with pink ink, then some blue pinwashes and white edge highlights. The osl effect is quickly drybrushed on in a couple of layers. The tufts are from GamersGrass.
Hope you like them!
Kings of War - Abyssal Dwarves
Below are my Abyssal Dwarves for Kings of War. After a few years of hording those models left and right, the release of KoW v3 seemed like a good opportunity to get these guys painted up.The rubble on the bases was made with a rolling pin and some clay.
I used following speedpainting scheme;
•Zenithal priming
•Overall wash with a dark grey (Vallejo Panzer Tank Crew Black thinned with a bit of water and matt medium) This paint also contains some brown tones that come out when washing. This helps with the overall rust look.
•Selective stippling with Typhus Corrosion
•Rust washes (GW Firedragon Bright and Trollslayer orange)
•Bright silver drybrush (Vallejo Air Chrome)
•Colour in clothing with purple (GW Naggaroth Night), layer it up in 2 steps by adding more white.
•Colour in flesh tone (Vallejo Basic Skintone), purple ink wash, rehighlight
•Orc faces with Game Colour Scruff green, layered up in 2 steps by adding white.
•Green tufts on the bases for some added colour and contrast.
Spring Cleaning Challenge 2020 FINISHED!
Phew we made it 😀
For those not aware, I did my spring cleaning challenge around finishing this project and logged it here:
Really glad it’s over but also satisfied that my entire collection is now ‘documented’ ^^
I’ll continue to use this project as a running log to track all the stuff that I’m going to paint. There’s allready some cool stuff in the works! 😀
Force on Force - Chechnya
As the title suggests, these forces are used for my Force on Force set in Chechnya during Russia’s wars there. Figures are from Eureka, armour from QRF.
The insurgents can represent most western looking type of organisation (to face my mates Brits for example). The Russians are specifically equipped like the MVD, the interior security forces.
The bases on the insurgents were an experiment and a little homage to the cover of the game Battlefield 3. The bases on the MVD were done in a different style to stand out when gaming but sadly they oxidized, I’ll have to go back and redo them.
Force on Force - Vietnam
Before I started my FoW ‘Nam collection, I painted these single 15mm figures for Force on Force. They are from the Command Decision range. These should come in handy again when the new Vietnam game from Ironfist Publishing releases!
Flames of War - 'Nam - US
Below are my US forces for ‘Nam. They’re a mix of aircavalry, mech, marines and regular infantry. Since BF only makes the one type of US infantry, they are multipurpose.
I really enjoyed painting these, especially the m113’s and their drawings on the side.
Flames of War - 'Nam - PAVN
Welcome to the jungle! 😀
Below is a full PAVN Battalion for FoW ‘Nam. Speedpainted as most of my stuff (and the castings were pretty bad, so I didn’t bother too much).
In the future I might add in some armour, but I like to keep most of my ‘Nam games infantry centric.
Flames of War - Germans Ostfront
Here are some of my ‘leftovers’ for Flames of War. They’re a mix of stuff that I can use in both midwar and latewar and don’t really match the Normandy theme.
Flames of War - Normandy US
My US collection so far contains an Armored Rifle Company and a Parachute Landing Company of the 82nd.
All speedpainted although I did do some highlighting on the vehicles.
Flames of War - Normandy Brits
This army was started with the contents of the old Open Fire starterset. I gradually built on it until I had a full infantry, motorised and Sherman army (for which I won a best painted award ^^ ). Most of the stuff however is just basic paint and wash.
Last year I added in the Churchills, putting extra effort into the paintjob, airbrushing on low psi with thin layers and then doing multiple types of chipping and weathering. The camo netting was all handmade out of thin paper strips. This army won a best painted award twice already 😀
Edit: the rubber bands were an old method to differentiate the units.
Flames of War - Normandy Germans - Fallschirmjäger
The third part of my Normandy Germans are the Fallschirmjäger. A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to pick up the metal box of figures. They’ve been in storage for a while, but thanks to covid I had a chance this year to paint them (again in basic colours with a wash).
Also, please wear more camosmocks you c*nts…
Flames of War - Normandy Germans - Panzer Divisions
Part 2 of my Normandy Germans are the panzer divisions. As with the first part, most of this stuff is old or speedpainted. I really learned a lot on these models, trying out different techniques. The first were done with dunkelgelb spraycans, others with a single airbrush layer, the later ones with a couple of layers and then too heavily weathered… A mixed bag but very fun to play!
A recent addition are the Panzer Lehr infantry (the ones with the fancy panzer jackets that you don’t see on the models 😀 )
Flames of War - Normandy Germans - Beach Defenders
My real big Flames of War project is my Normandy collection. When I jumped into FoW all those years ago, I decided to collect every major type of formation in the theatre. That turned out to be a far bigger challenge than I expected 😀
The main rule that I had for this project was that everything was just going to be tabletop quality painted. So most things here have a single colour and a wash.
The first big part of that collection are my beach defenders, representing the 352nd and 716th infantry divisions that defended Normandy.
Most of this stuff has been added on through the years and are from many different manufacturers.
Flames of War - Soviets - Armour
This second part of Soviets contains all the tanks and vehicles.
The paintscheme is pretty basic; white basecoat (sometimes in multiple layers), green sponge chipping, green enamel wash and rust streaks. Then just mud up the tracks and add some snow!
The Churchill tanks were part of my ETC army, so I took a little more time with them (but still followed the same basic recipe).
Flames of War - Soviets - Infantry
My FoW Soviets were started on the simple principle of ‘only buy them on the cheap’. And I did, by the bucketload…
The Strelkovy in front are my most recent addition to the army and were speedpainted with a basic cityrubble base.
The Motostrelkovy, support weapons and guns on the scenic bases took a lot more time to paint, but I won a couple of ‘best painted army’ awards with it, so totally worth it! 😀
Flames of War - Deutches Afrika Korps
Here’s the first of my WW2 Flames of War armies, the Deutches Afrika Korps or DAK for short.
Most of these models were collected throughout the years (yay hording), the core of the infantry and trucks being from the old DAK Panzergren box (which I got on the cheap in a sale). I added a bunch of small details like kettenkrads, a radiocar, captured trucks etc
Painting on these started about three years ago when I needed them for the German Grand Tournament. I didn’t have a lot of time, so I glued them all to the bases and gave everything a basecoat and a wash. This made it a real pain to highlight them completely for the second tournament I used them in.
Due to time contraints, I only gave the bases minimal attention (an acyrlic paste), so I’ll have to go back and fix that. This was also the first army that I completely used airbrush to paint and enamels to weather the vehicles. I can now see plenty of mistakes, but atleast they’re painted ^^
Bolt Action - Soviets
The Soviets are quite the opposite of my Japs. Ultra speedypaint, I airbrushed on a basecoat, coloured in the main elements with inks and then hit them with AP dip. Later I picked up some cool character models such as Comrade Stalin. 😀
Bolt Action - Japanese
Although not my main game, I do dabble into Bolt Action every now and again.
My first army are the Japanese, themed as jungle fighters in Burma 1943.They are a bit special as they’re a gift from my girlfriend and were part of the Bolt Action Bootcamp in BoW towers years ago (2013 I think). The sniper was put together there by Alessio Cavatore, so I had to do some extra cleaning afterwards >.< All the plastic figures have jungle camo netting sculpted on to fit the theme. Overall, I had a great time there and so did my best to paint these guys up as best as I could at the time. The paintscheme was inspired by the late Andy Zeck, who had done amazing US. The purple ink wash for the fleshtone to complement the green and orangey bases is a tip that has stuck with me to this day.
FoW - Great War Germans
Remember that Battlefront Halloween sale a couple of years ago? Well suddenly I had Great War Germans on my hands. Luckily a couple of mates also jumped in, so I didn’t have to collect a second force (although I did own a French army at some point…)
Painting wise, these were an aibrush experiment. The basecolour on the figures and the bases themselves are airbrushed, with only some of the detail painted in with a regular brush. I’ve tried to give them a ‘night raid’ feel, hence the blue. It’s not all that great, but good enough to game with once a year ^^
The tanks were a real joy to paint too!
American Civil War in 6mm
This is a little sideproject that took some time to finish, but I’m really happy about it. 6mm is a great scale for this sort of warfare and looks amazing in action. The units are 48 dudesmen in 2 bases mostly because I liked that look on the table. Each units represents a regiment, so the figure to men scale is about 1:10. For now I’ve been playing Across a Deadly Field but I’ll look into other rules aswell.
As with all my projects, I’ve still got some leftovers waiting to get some colour, but I’ve got plenty to game with for now.