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divineauthority's Star Wars/Mad Max 40k Guard Mash Up!

divineauthority's Star Wars/Mad Max 40k Guard Mash Up!

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The state of play so far: Miscellaneous Mop Up

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 3
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There are some other bits and bobs I’ve been working on that I either don’t have pics of or just haven’t finished yet so I’ll dump them here. I’m sure I’ll have forgotten some things so I’ll add them on as I remember!

Primaris Psyker

The obvious choice here would be for some form of Jedi, so using a fantasy battlemage as a base I’ve put together something that may look sort of similar to a well known Jedi from a modern film…

I can’t find a photo but the paintjob really isn’t great. I’ll get a pic up soon.

Orlock vet sergeant, or at least he was going to be

I can’t settle on a head for this guy or build myself up to greenstuffing hair on something. This is the smuggler mentioned in an earlier post.

The waistcoat was an instant spark of an ideaThe waistcoat was an instant spark of an idea

A Vindicare Assasin?

You can’t have the smuggler without his nemesis! I went through a couple of ideas to begin with before settling on what I’ve done so far. Again it required some greenstuff and again it left me struggling a bit but I’m happy with where he is. Just needs some paint!

A medic? Commissar? Standard bearer?

And as well as the smuggler’s nemesis, I can’t really exclude his romantic interest. No pics here as she’s not even close to being built. I have a collection of bits from vampires and dark elves that make the infamous slave costume a lot easier to reproduce. I think Leia will end up joining Han and some other planned models to form a command squad.

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