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Drow in Space

Drow in Space

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Test models.

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 4
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having found an acceptable colour scheme, now it’s time to test it out and refine the detailing. So I’ve knocked up a couple of infantry figures, one warrior and one wych. First thing to do is get some Bone down and see how my chosen red and grey cover.

The above were airbrushed with a vallejo MC Ivory as a base, skin tone of scalecolour 75 Petrol Grey and vallejo GC Gory Red. Since the hair will eventually be white I didn’t bother painting it on these test models. I intend to dip but for speed I threw an acrylic wash over the whole thing to give me a rough idea how it would look.

The Petrol Grey is a lovely colour but too dark, and it would require extra work that I don’t intend doing outside of characters maybe, so I’ve decided to lighten it to scalecolour Graphite Grey which should help. The Gory red also may need a second coat, but I like the shade too much to be willing to change it to a better covering one. But I’m undecided at the moment.

Next I need to dig out some metallics and see whether grey or yellow metals compliment best.

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