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Tek Titan

Tek Titan

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Well, That’s Not Right!

Tutoring 2
Skill 0
Idea 0
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Friday – April 27, 2019

Opened the boxes and started checking pieces against the assembly instructions and there are several pieces missing. Almost half the components for the legs and pelvis and several parts of the torso are not in the box. I went through all of the other boxes and it seams all of the weapons and both heads are packed correctly. Sorry CR, but your quality control leave a bit to be desired. An email to Forge World and several pictures gets put together and sent off. 

I realized after sending out the email that it was about 7pm in Nottingham UK. Guess I wont hear anything until Monday at the earliest. I will need to look at other aspects of the project as I can  not assemble anything but the feet with the parts I have.

Foe those that don’t know how Forge World works, with each package you buy you will receive a pamphlet entitled ‘A Guide to Building Resin Model Kits’. On this pamphlet will be the initials of a FW employee and the data that the resin parts were sorted out and placed into the box. The guide goes on to explain that there are many unique tools that will be needed to build this kit and several techniques that may be unique to working with resin. Over the next few months I will cover as much of this process as I can.

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