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Russians Are Coming - A 6mm Plog by CommodoreRob

Russians Are Coming - A 6mm Plog by CommodoreRob

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In the beginning

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 1
The work so farThe work so far
The task aheadThe task ahead
I have been somewhat slow in the updates for this project because I have had to plough on and get them finished.  Anyway so here is a picture of progress so far, four brigades of Soldaty and two artillery batteries painted and stuck into bases. I have also finished another couple of Brigades of dragoons.  I have been somewhat slow in the updates for this project because I have had to plough on and get them finished. Anyway so here is a picture of progress so far, four brigades of Soldaty and two artillery batteries painted and stuck into bases. I have also finished another couple of Brigades of dragoons.

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Cult of Games Member

This all looks fantastic! What scale are they? Are they for a particular game?

Cult of Games Member

I’ve been a bit slow getting round the projects but cripes I commend your patience!

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