Warmachine Unboxing: Devout Menoth Warjack
February 6, 2018 by dignity
Time for some Warmachine from Privateer Press as we unbox a light warjack for the Protectorate of Menoth.
This warjack comes in one of three different configurations: Devout with the huge halberd and shield; Dervish with its pair of swords; and the Purifier dual-wielding maces.
In this video John, with his penchant for halberds, has gone for the Devout configuration, but with judicious use of magnets you could set up your own personal array of options for the battlefield.
Which flavour is your favourite?
Great kit. Instead of magnetizing I used large pins and just swap weapon hands that way.
The dervish is a terror with amon ad raza. Full synergy chain and battle chant from the choir and that light is mat 10 pow 18 with 2 initial attacks. Khador jacks can be ripped up by those little guys.