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Essen SPIEL '17 Live Blog - Sunday

Kitchen Rush By Artipia Games At Essen SPIEL ’17

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Kitchen Rush By Artipia Games At Essen SPIEL '17


We just had to get stuck in and play one more game. Joined by some guests and friends of Mythic Games we stop in to play Artipia Games' Kitchen Rush which is a lot like Overcooked if you have played that video game.

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Make sure to follow along and let us know if you could have completed more meals than we did...did you catch us cheating too?

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Enzo Maini Recent comment authors
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I have not heard of this game before today. But I love these real-time co-op. My current favorite with my group is Magic Maze and I cannot wait until the expansion is available in the US. This looks just as fun. I love frantic games like this. I also love Escape: The curse of the tomb for the same reason. These have become my absolute favorites to play.


Sad, I just did some research. Did not know this was a KS. Looks like they have zero plans for US Distribution 🙁

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