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Essen SPIEL '17 Live Blog - Saturday

Quodd Heroes Pops Up With Some Of The Cutest Game Pieces

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Quodd Heroes Pops Up With Some Of The Cutest Game Pieces

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Quodd Heroes is a game that was recently Kickstarted and really caught our eye due to the awesome looking gaming pieces that you get inside the box. The tiles and such are looking amazing too.

The game is scenario based and works with between two and five players. It plays like a combination of Super Smash Bros., Mario Cart and Legend of Zelda all wrapped into one which is kind of awesome.

As a cooperative game, it looks rather unique!

Quodd Heroes Pops Up With Some Of The Cutest Game Pieces

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Can’t wait to get my hands on this one, looks so fun, and an original concept to boot!

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