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Essen SPIEL '17 Live Blog - Sunday

Will You Be Able To Survive In Outlive?

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Will You Be Able To Survive In Outlive?

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This awesome resource management and settlement control game, Outlive, is looking like it could be great for those who like to get into the micro-management of your characters and their actions on the tabletop.

You play six rounds (six days) that are divided between the day phase and the night phase. During the day phase, you move your four heroes of different strength on the board to collect resources with a mechanical movement innovative and interactive.

During the night phase, you manage your shelter, feed your survivors and recruit new ones, organize your survival, and improve your rooms and objects.

Will You Be Able To Survive In Outlive?

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Andrew Knight Recent comment authors
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I picked this up recently second hand, not had a chance to play it yet, but certainly looks fun!

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