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Bolt Action Memories With Alessio Cavatore


With Bolt Action being such a hit with the 28 mm Historical fan base, Alessio looks back on some of the finest moments of Bolt Action and working with Warlord Games to make it one of the best World War II games of the decade.

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Cult of Games Member

Easily the most popular game at our club. It was also the catalyst that got a lot of them to try other game systems other than GW.

Cult of Games Member

I have looked at Bolt Action during my gaming career…but played Flames of War…until recently where I finally got a german army for BA when the 2nd edition came out. Took germans as they were my army in FOW…like them and got all the colours for their vehicles and uniform and gear. I have loved to get my hands on those 28 mm tanks and really go to town with using filters, airbrush and weathering on them. And they have turned out just lovely. Another thing I really like about the game is that you can easily collect a 1000… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

Seems to be the main staple for Warlord. The game is really well done. Simple yet sort of elegant and realistic.

Cult of Games Member

I love Bolt Action. I have played with American regulars and Airborne against generic Germans. Looking to expand this to the desert war with Perry’s DAK and Commonwealth troops. It is a shame that Warlord don’t do desert war British because the Perry’s mini’s come up slightly smaller in comparison to the Warlord range. I also want some Japanese VS US marines and / or a Gurkha & Chindit force I would love to put together. It feels as though it is only matter of time before they have every theatre and troop type covered in multi part fashion and… Read more »

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