Learn About The Spire Brute Drones Of Para Bellum’s Conquest

September 15, 2017 by brennon

Para Bellum Wargames have another treat for us today as they showed off the artwork for the Spire Brute Drones for their world of Conquest.

Spire Brute Art

Now those are some brutal looking creatures, as you might have imagined by the name they have been given. So, where do we go from here - to fluff town of course!

Brute Drone

Developed as front line shock troops these Brutes are clones which have undergone a terrifyingly horrific process of transformation. The clones are subjected to obscene amounts of enhancement and locked inside hulking armour which they will never take off.

They are little more than living battering rams and are always deployed alongside their Pheromancers. They are the only ones who can control these beasts through the haze of primal rage and pain that they are suffering.

These guys sound awesome, and scary...wicked!

"Developed as front line shock troops these Brutes are clones which have undergone a terrifyingly horrific process of transformation..."

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