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Gen Con 2017 Live Blog: Day Two!

Gen Con 2017 Live Blog: Day Two!

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Join Ben, Justin, Dawn & Gianna as they head out to Indianapolis in the USA to cover Gen Con! Today is the second day and we’re all very excited to get back into the swing of things!

We are aware of the audio issues on some mobile devices.

The problem should be fixed going forward.

If you have a problem with audio on a video try watching it on a PC or a device like an iPad.

Promo Image Friday With Prizes

Gen Con 2017

Gen Con is held in Indianapolis and will run from August 17th – 20th. Featuring 500+ exhibiting companies from the game industry, award-winning authors and artists, costumed attendees, more than 19,000 events, a Family Fun Pavilion, and the debut of exciting new games, Gen Con truly is The Best Four Days in Gaming!

Check Out The Exhibition Hall Map

Make sure to stick with BoW throughout the event as they cover all the awesomeness across four days via the Live Blogs.

Get commenting with what you want to see!

Blogging At This Event:

deltagamegirl22 Gen Con Veteran! Entries by this blogger
stvitusdancern Gen Con Veteran! Entries by this blogger
dignity Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger
brennon Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger
dignity Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

An Introduction To Day Two At Gen Con!


We are here for Day Two Of Gen Con and that means some great new videos and interviews with some of the vendors here and we're also hoping to jump out onto the street and show you a little of the city this takes place in.

With that in mind keep an eye on the videos for a chance to win some goodies.

stvitusdancern Gen Con Veteran! Entries by this blogger

Taking A Look At The Miniatures From Freeblades


We are soon going to be talking with DGS Games about their wonderful Fantasy world of Freeblades.

However, before that we're going to show off some of the miniatures for you and their different factions in the gallery here to get you excited!

There's a prize up for grabs too! Have you played Freeblades and if so what do you think?

Taking A Look At The Miniatures From Freeblades
brennon Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

DGS Games Talk Freeblades – WIN A Starter Set Of Your Choice


DGS Games talked with us about the world of Freeblades which is a Fantasy world that you NEED to check out.

With that in mind we talk about how the game plays AND give you the chance to win a Starter Set of your choice from their world.

Watch Out For A Run Down Of WarTime Later Today…

Watch Out For A Run Down Of WarTime Later Today…No Comments
brennon Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Syrinscape Add Magnificent Sound To Your Games + Starfinder News!


We stopped in to talk with Syrinscape about their sound and ambience app which helps add to your games, be they role-playing games or tabletop wargames.

It's great fun, as you can tell, listening to this and genuinely, I'm not lying when I said I had goosebumps when the ship took off.

Watch out for their Starfinder soundscape coming soon with the RPG by Paizo.

stvitusdancern Gen Con Veteran! Entries by this blogger

A Closer Look At Kettou From Table Forged


If you missed the video yesterday, make sure to go and check out the conversation about Kettou and Iron & Ale with Table Forged.

They have created a great looking game here with a Samurai theme, so comment and maybe you'll be able to walk away with a copy of it!

A Closer Look At Kettou From Table Forged
deltagamegirl22 Gen Con Veteran! Entries by this blogger

Catching Up With The Piratical Firelock Games Talking Blood & Plunder!


We had to stop in with the guys from Firelock Games to talk about Blood & Plunder and what they have planned going forward.

It's great to see that their Kickstarter went from strength to strength and they have plenty of great things lined up.

"Loving The Sound Of Dragonholt from FFG - BoW Ben"

stvitusdancern Gen Con Veteran! Entries by this blogger

The Massive Gaming Hall @ Gen Con 2017


Here are just a few shots of how expansive the gaming hall is here at Gen Con. It is easily the size of Salute by itself and features all manner of gaming opportunities from board games and card games all the way through to miniatures games.

We'll have more from you on this area of the convention later today and throughout the weekend.

The Massive Gaming Hall @ Gen Con 2017
brennon Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Talking WarTime & More With WizKids @ Gen Con 2017


We sat down to talk about the game that intrigued us a little while back on the Weekender, WarTime, with WizKids.

This game has you playing quick and frantic games simulating the chaos and flurry of battle. It certainly sounds like a different way of playing. What do you think of the look of the game and the premise?

As well as WarTime we get a little chat about some of the other games they have here right now you might want to go and take a closer look at.

brennon Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

A Closer Look At Resident Evil From Steamforged Games


We've yet to capture it on video but we took a closer look at the Resident Evil game from Steamforged and stopped by to view some of the demos.

The game is set back during the retro days and the demo they are showing off is the demo from the game that appeared on Playstation!

You'll have a mission to undertake as the heroes from the Resident Evil game featuring some cool and classic looking models already.

A Closer Look At Resident Evil From Steamforged Games
dignity Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Mythic Games Talk Us Through Joan Of Arc + Look At That Dragon!


We sit down with Mythic Games to talk about Joan Of Arc. As you'll have seen from yesterday some of the models for this game are looking superb.

We're not far off this game becoming a reality, in the grand scheme of things anyway, and it will be fun to see what approach people enjoy with this game.

Are you excited for Joan Of Arc?

brennon Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

A Mix Of Board Games & Miniatures Games


Here at Gen Con folks are gaming pretty much around the clock. We had a look earlier at the gaming hall in all it's glory but I thought I'd zero in on some that caught my eye.

Academy Games do some awesome Historical products (you might remember the Viking Invasion game) but as well as that it's nice to see some BIG games being played around the miniatures front.

Little Wars is here and they have quite a few boards to their name for you to game on.

A Mix Of Board Games & Miniatures Games
dignity Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Gale Force 9 Firefly: Browncoats & Brigands + WIN GF9 Goodies!


We got to talk with the designers behind Gale Force 9's new Firefly game, Browncoats & Brigands.

This seems like a great way to get invested with the world of Firefly and play out some favourite adventures.

You could also win a bundle of Gale Force 9 goodies by commenting on any of their videos over the weekend where you could win Star Trek: Ascendancy Expansions, A Con Exclusive Naked Mal & Four D&D Collectors Miniatures!

"In The Mood For Something Star Wars Soon?"

deltagamegirl22 Gen Con Veteran! Entries by this blogger

IDW Take Us Through Legend Of Korra


IDW lead us through their new Legend Of Korra game which is based within the Airbending world of Avatar.

Find out what the game is all about from the two designers of the game - and maybe it will end up in your collection.

Check Out Our Thoughts On Star Wars: Legion Soon

Check Out Our Thoughts On Star Wars: Legion Soon4 Comments
brennon Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Talking What's New With Star Trek: Ascendancy + Win Prizes!


We had a chat about more of what's coming for the world of Star Trek: Ascendancy on the tabletop with big new expansions for the game.

Up for grabs...

Star Trek: Ascendancy Expansions, A Con Exclusive Naked Mal & Four D&D Collectors Miniatures!

Gianna's best day EVER!

Gianna's best day EVER!5 Comments
brennon Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Our Thoughts On Star Wars: Legion!


We sat down in our makeshift office to formulate some of our thoughts on the new Star Wars: Legion game that was announced by Fantasy Flight Games.

You can find our full impressions here:

...make sure to let us know your thoughts below.

brennon Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Taking A Peek At More A Song Of Ice & Fire


It looks like Baratheons are going to be next up on the list when it comes to models for A Song Of Ice & Fire by CMON.

A few of the test models are in the case and they also showed off some of the early sculpts for the siege equipment that was present during the Kickstarter.

Taking A Peek At More A Song Of Ice & Fire
deltagamegirl22 Gen Con Veteran! Entries by this blogger

A Panda Cult Catch Up!


We stopped in with the folks from Panda Cult to talk about their game Barnacle Bay, which sees you playing as cool animal adventurers battling it out in a hybrid skirmish/board game.

Dawn & Gianna love this game so it's no surprise we had to check this one out.

It's Not All Tabletop Gaming Here...

It's Not All Tabletop Gaming Here...2 Comments

....And Music Is Everywhere You Go!

....And Music Is Everywhere You Go!3 Comments
brennon Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Travelling Deep Into Space With Starfinder From Paizo


We talk with James from Paizo and learn all about what's great with Starfinder, their new Sci-Fi RPG set in the far future of their Fantasy world.

The game sounds amazing and features some brilliant thoughts on travel, exploration and more. You'll see some of the miniatures for this game by Ninja Division in the gallery below.

We also loved hearing about James' favourite encounter in Starfinder so far.

brennon Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Goodbye From Gen Con Day Two!


It's time for us to say goodbye from Gen Con Day Two! We have had a lot of fun and there's more set up for tomorrow so keep an eye out for more as the weekend continues.

We hope you've enjoyed today and check out Star Wars: Legion as well as the videos we have set for tomorrow.

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Can’t beat the US for monster size Cons, wait till tomorrow.

Cult of Games Member

If your passing could you pop by the I.C.E and FASA stands?

Cult of Games Member

Samuri card game, cool.

Cult of Games Member

Stop making me spend more money.
The shiny is strong


Have fun guys

Cult of Games Member

Resident evil..!! i take the figures and use walking dead rules thanks……….


Any chance of seeing the painting contests during the event?


2 days still no Kingdom Death you guys need to get on that LOL

Cult of Games Member

Are you guys going to get a vlog of a Star Wars Legion demo game? Very exciting news, and I couldn’t go 3 steps without being overwhelmed by shiny syndrome. I admire your restraint BoW crew 🙂

Cult of Games Member

So. Many. Shinies!!

Cult of Games Member

I would like to see just a article from Ben and Justin on their reactions to GenCon. It’s such a fantastic weekend. And I NEVER get to do everything I want to do in those 4 days. No matter how little sleep I get.


How does the L5R LCG look?


Fantastic Coverage – Many thanks team – wish I could be there too 🙂


Im watching all this a little out of order today as my friday was a little too busy, but I’ve my usual weekender watching time to fill today. i did managed to catch the live ffg thing on Facebook which has made me very excited.

Keep it up guys 🙂


You know guys you are doing an excellent show and all but you are going to make me bankrupt:)


great coverage

Cult of Games Member

Ready to see more Gencon


Anything from Catalyst about their upcoming Battletech release?

Cult of Games Member

Relic knights please


Shadespire looks promising


I get the excitement for Legion, but I have a feeling it will sell millions but no one will play.


Great coverage!

Cult of Games Member

Love all the coverage!

Cult of Games Member

Whoah. Another massive load of stuff *cancels tomorrow’s early call*


I’m looking forward to Starfinder.

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