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The Do-It-Yourself Dungeon Kit

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Rounding a corner, you catch a glimpse of movement at the very edge of your torchlight. Creeping forward is not an option as the light from your flaming brand will show you immediately to whatever lurks ahead whilst blinding your night vision with its glow, Extinguishing it is not an option either because you will be left in pitch black darkness, and whatever awaits you obviously does not rely on the blessing of light to see. Throwing caution to the wind, your party moves forward, into the large cahmer at the end of the corridor. To your surprise the room is empty, boxes and chest scattered around it holding who knows what treasure. Your thief cannot help his inquisitive nature and approaches on of the chests, the largest in the room of course, studying it for traps before carefully reaching out to raise the lid. As his hand touched it, the chest explodes into violent life, seizing the poor thief in its lidded opening, now revealed as a gaping maw full of viscous teeth, as it lunges toward him! It was a mimic, and the ambush was laid before you entered the chamber... Roll for armour penetration and dexterity to see if the thief escapes of is devoured by the monstrous beast...

A nice little MDF dungeon set up for RPG and other gaming systems.

The Do-It-Yourself Dungeon Kit - Kicktraq Mini
The Do-It-Yourself Dungeon Kit

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