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France, 1940. Germany's Panzer battalions are storming through the French countryside, seemingly unstoppable in the wake of their rampage through Poland and Belgium. The Tommys are on the run, falling back to the beaches of Dunkirk. There is no where near enough boats to evacuate them safely and the annihilation of the British forces seems assure. Setting out from England in anything that floats; sailing dinghies, fishing vessels and even row boats, a civilian flotilla sets sail to aid their stricken fighting men, braving the strafing of the Luftwaffe, the screaming dives of Stukas and shelling from gun emplacements, these brave, self sacrificing men sailed into the teeth of the monster, to pluck the demoralised and exhausted troops from the shallows and bring them home to England.

Can you cahnge the flow of history and hold back the tide of the German Warmachine, or will you be overcome and swept into the cahannel? Can you achieve your goals and defeat the British or will those dastardly Poms thwart your plans?

Play out Dunkirk as either German or Allied forces, and either achieve your strategic objective (German) or thwart your enemy (British).

Dunkirk - Kicktraq Mini

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