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Ever After

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You creep through the wood following a trail of breadcrumbs, wary of the danger that lurks at the end of the trail. You have been hunting your quarry for days, he is now in reach. As you break through into a clearing, you are suddenly attacked, not by the man standing on the far side of the clearing, but by his sister! Damn, you expected Red would take care of Gretel, where was she? A howl rises in the night air and the hair on your neck stands on end as you realise Red herself is now the quarry.

You hope other members of the Dawnguard can aid her before she become another victim of the cursed ones. The day the Box was opened was truly a cursed day.

Will you succumb to the encounter with the evil characters of nightmare fairytales? Or will you be victorious and live happily ever after?

What if two become one or one becomes two?

Ever After - Kicktraq Mini
Ever After

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