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Burrows and Badgers


Evening draws on and full night is descending in Northymbra. The creatures of the hedgerows and fields are retreating to their nests as the predators leave their lairs and roam the dark countryside, scheming and hunting to catch the unaware off guard.

As they retreat, many old friends are there to greet them. The firelight dances off the walls of the mouse house and rumours abound of new real estate opening up in the woods in the near future.

As evening passes over to night, the monk mouse makes his way into the chapel and prays for safety for all. And to ensure that safety, a new Shrew Knight Errant has made his way into the fold and now keeps his keen eye peeled for the weasels and foxes who pose such a threat to the other creatures.

Burrows and Badgers - Kicktraq Mini
Burrows and Badgers

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mark69Andrew Fosteroathsworn Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Cheers Andrew! 🙂


just looked at rule book for such a cute looking miniature’s very good rules that great depth

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