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Carnevale - Something stirs beneath the watery streets of Venice...

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the canals have become infested with loathsome creatures of indescribable horror..gondoliers lie dormant as their owners are too scared to ply their trade. Business has ground to a stand still. Those few who do dare the waterways and canals are either stupid or armed to the teeth, ready to combat any threat that rises from the inky depths.

The cobbled streets of the dry city sre no safer, with masked gangs roaming, slaughter each other and citizens with abandon, reckless in their lawlessness and heedless of their own safety as they battle creature and guard alike.

Welcome to Venice, doorway to Hell...

Everything you need to play in the 2 player starter kit.
2 Factions-
8 Guild characters - Capodecina, Gondoliere, 2 Fishermen, and 4 Citizens of Venice
7 Rashaar characters - Magi-Rashaar, Radru-Rashaar, 2 Ugdru-Rashaar, and 3 Slaves of the Cult of Dagon)
The Rulebook (You need this to play I suppose)
The Campaign guide
12 dice
8 pre-cut cardboard buildings
9 card street tiles
Card tokens, templates, and range ruler

For those who prefer their papercraft buildings not to get soggy when lying alongside canals, there is a full MDF upgrade available...

Carnevale - Something stirs beneath the watery streets of Venice... - Kicktraq Mini
Carnevale - Something stirs beneath the watery streets of Venice...

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