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Goblin Hood 2: Little John

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After the Tucks and Riders had spun and left you lying amongst the moulds in the damp road, you stumbled a little further before you heard the sound of a gobbo war chariot clattering it way down the track towards you at breakneck speed. Throwing yourself from the roadway, yo manage to avoid being run down as the chariot clatters past at breakneck speed!

Crawling through the leaves of the forest floor, you are hoping you have thrown off the pursuit of the chariot which the greenskins have chased you with for what seems like days, teasing you by getting closer and then dropping off to let you gain some distance, before closing in again. You hear the distant clanking and groaning of the wooden Weed Cart as it lumbers along the road, filled to the brim with gibbering Weedlings, annoying little creatures in small numbers, but in the numbers able to be transported in their cart, overwhelming. It has not quite reached you yet, but it is coming.

This is getting serious, if any more gobbos arrive, you won't be able to afford that drink you so dearly wanted. With night falling, it is doubtful the gates are open anyway. With a sigh of resignation, you start out again, traveling only a short way before hearing a low murmured chant coming from the deep scrub. Cautiously you make your way towards the sound. Peering around a massive tree bole, you see two gnarled old goblin witches stirring and tending their cauldrons, the putrid contents bubbling and boiling somehow, despite the absence of a fire beneath them.

One of the hags suddenly sniffs the air pointing a bony finger your way and screeching in an ear piercing wail. "Moneeeeeee! Monnnnneeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!" as the other witch turns to look at you, you spin around to flee and bump straight into the crew of the chariot which you had hoped to avoid by your torturous trek through the forest, they were closer than you thought...

Goblin Hood 2: Little John

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