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The Founders of Gloomhaven

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Welcome to Gloomhaven, home of many, melting pot of the races. Your race is, of course, the most important in the city, and it is up to you to lead them in building the greatest parts of the city. Sure, the other races have some nice buildings, but that is just their recognition of your glory and you will use their buildings to increase the stature of your own. You will have to use the influence you have accrued to get some of your projects built, but that is no problem for you, you are the greater race! Of course, no one built a city on their own, so you will have to hire some advisors and trade for the resources you will require. Be aware though, for everything you do, your opponent has a plan in mind to benefit themselves!

Rome wasn't built in a day, but Gloomhaven will be built in a couple of hours. Will you be the most influential race? Or will your rivals outwit and out build you?

The Founders of Gloomhaven - Kicktraq Mini
The Founders of Gloomhaven

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