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Table Tantrums

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The castle is astir! A grand visitation is about to occur, and you have the responsibility to organise a grand banquet for the visiting dignitary. The menus are planned, the food ordered and the guests invited. Now all you have to do is organise where each of the guests is to be seated. Easy. Except, as you draw up your seating plans, you realise there are certain people you must accommodate. Some cannot abide others and must not be seated next to one another, whilst others will take offence if not seated in close proximity to the head table, or even at the table itself. Can you manage this without causing offence and an international incident? Or will your dinner party go pear shaped? The peace of the land relies on you and your management skills. So get organising! The guests will be here soon, no time to waste!

Table Tantrums - Kicktraq Mini
Table Tantrums

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