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fishman Kickstarter Hunter! Entries by this blogger

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Who goes There?


Do you have a knife? Some rope? Maybe some screws or a piece of scrap metal...

Can you maybe trade for something you need?

Can you combine these items to create a more powerful weapon or more useful aid?

Can you trust the people around you?

Can you escape infection and survive to make it to the Helicopter?

Can you trust the other players?

But the biggest question of all is Who Goes There?

Who goes There? - Kicktraq Mini
Who goes There?

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Cult of Games Member

This looks awesome. I very much like the ‘gameplay highlight’ video which gave me an ideal overview of the game without bogging me down with the details of the mechanics.
… enough to get greedy and go for the 8 character option (4+2+2) for more replayability

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