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Great Hall Burning - 28mm Viking Game

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It is peaceful in the village, smoke curls lazily into the air as a cock crows to announce the rising sun. People are rising and beginning preparations for their break of fast. The baker is hawking freshly baked loaves on a trya as the smell of roasting fish fills the daub stockade.

The still of the morning is suddenly rudely broken by a fearsome cry which echoes from the overhanging crags like a portent of doom, the voice of Thor come to herald Death. The villages, pause for a moment, caught off guard by the unexpected din and surprised at the direction the cry originated, then, as the skirl of a battle horn rises from the encroaching forest, they break and run for their houses, to arm themselves and prepare, belatedly and too late to mount an effective defence, to fight for their very survival!

Out of the forest bursts a loose knit group of men wielding swords, axes and long spears. They bear down on the stockade fence, throwing iron hooks over the top and pulling it to the ground with a mighty effort. This is the signal for the general attack to begin and warriors pour from the woods to rush into the breach. The villagers have formed a hurried ambush. however, and as the attackers rush through the gap in the perimeter, they fall upon them from the narrow alleys between the buildings!

Will the villagers prevail? Will the attack be a success and the village be plundered, the women carried off and the men slain? The fate cubes are in your hands. Can you lead your force to victory, sending the souls of your enemies to Valhalla whilst you feast, or will this be your Ragnarok?

Great Hall Burning - 28mm Viking Game - Kicktraq Mini
Great Hall Burning - 28mm Viking Game

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