The Fisherman King Joins The Ranks For The Hidden Ones Of Mythos

March 17, 2017 by deltagamegirl22

Have a look at what our friends at Paranoid Miniatures have been up to for Mythos!

PM fisherman king 3

The Fisherman King from the Hidden Ones comes to life with the masterful help of Raul Tavares. He's grabbed a hold of Shane Cook's fantastic art and breathed 3D Lovecraftian power into him. This powerful character constantly fights a battle of wills with Aria, the symbiotic octopus that is attached to him.

These two form a unique team, as Aria controls the Fisherman King's body in combat. Her tentacles wrap and grab opponents, leaving them off balance and open to strikes from her blade. At range, she loosens her hold on his mind allowing the Whaler to take control. His skill with the harpoon leads to brutal damaging ranged attacks.

PM fisherman king close up

This unusual character within the game uses Mythos to flip between the two characters as the situation dictates, each one bringing their own skills and abilities to the forefront, allowing for a dynamic depth of play.

This sculpt's completion leads to start on the final sculpt from the Kickstarter release, Click Clack- the giant Mythos infused crab that is the guardian of the Hidden Ones' leader, the Dockland Queen. This character will be the largest volume Myth, taking up a 60mm base, and I cannot wait to see how Raul channels Lovecraft into this beastie.

What do you think of the render for the Fisherman King of the Hidden Ones?

"The Fisherman King from the Hidden Ones comes to life with the masterful help of Raul Tavares..."

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