Blood & Plunder – Sloop Painting Tutorial | Firelock Games

February 23, 2023 by johnlyons

We dive into a Blood & Plunder painting tutorial where John shows off how to paint the Sloop from Firelock Games for their 28mm piratical naval wargame.


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John shows off how you can paint up your Sloop from Blood & Plunder quickly using a mix of different washes and Contrast paints. This should mean that you're shipshape and ready to sail the high seas in no time.

Paints Used Include...

  • Citadel: Wraithbone
  • Citadel Contrast: Skeleton Horde
  • Citadel Contrast: Flesh Tearers Red
  • Citadel Contrast: Cygor Brown
  • Scale Color: Hiril Blue
  • Greenstuff World Wash Ink: Aether Blue
  • Vallejo Brass
  • Citadel Cryptek Armourshade gloss
  • Citadel Iron Warriors
  • Citadel Contrast: Black Legion

Make sure to tell us what you think of the painting tutorial and how you'd approach painting one of these vessels.

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